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Who are the Sexperts?

Kristy Papaj, Senior, I feel that it is important for everyone to learn about not just the physical aspects of sex but the emotional aspects.

Mandy Mele (Sophomore) I feel like it is important for people to learn about sex and the effects of it on your body. As I go through high school I feel like sex education isn't taught to the level it should be.

Jessica Nguyen (Sophomore) I believe that sex education is necessary for individuals to make responsible decisions for themselves.

Emily Sippin (Sophomore) I believe sex education is important so that teens can make the right choices in the future.  

Kristy Papaj (Senior) I feel that it is important for everyone to learn about not just the physical aspects of sex but the emotional aspects.

​Faaria Ansari (Senior)​ I believe that this is important because as teenagers we don't learn much about the different aspects of sex. Our project allows teens to see the different sides of it and how it can be both emotionally and physically harmful.

The Sexperts are a group of Newtown High School sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Alexa Powell (Senior) I think that it is important to educate teenagers about the various aspects and realities of sex, especially in a time where the media glamorizes it to the point that teenagers have unrealistic ideas and expectations about the subject. 

Ashleigh Teetsel (Junior) I believe that sex education is important for all ages. You should know what to expect physically as well as emotionally, and the only way to be prepared, is to be well educated on the subject.

Brianna Caberson (Senior) I think sex ed is highly important for teens to learn in school. Young teens should know the effect of it to the body and the feelings behind it all.

Emily Morrell (Senior) Unfortunately I feel that myself along with many others my age, have gathered misconstrued information about sex from the media. Sex is present in our every day lives whether it's online, on TV, or in magazines. Where sex needs to be even more prevalent is in our conversations with family members, teachers, and significant others. I don't want to be a part of a misinformed generation.

Christian Mather (Senior) There's a lot of scary stuff out in the sexual world, as a Sexpert I am here to inform you on how to tackle it.

Kevin Pister (Senior) The media has changed America's views of sexuality and as that changes, education needs to change in turn. This is to protect and keep adolescents safe.

Sandy DiLisio (Senior) Sex education is important to discuss with this generation because media tends to steer kids in the wrong way, leading to a lot of misinformation.

April Corbo (Senior) It is my understanding that sexual education is extremely lacking in responsible design in most schools, my goal is to change this to support both myself and other students.

Morgan Winters (Senior) Teens should be allowed to make their own decisions about their sex lives, but to do that safely and healthily they need all the information available. I think it's very important that sex is not a scary topic for anyone. 

 Colton Sposta (Senior) Sex eduation should be tought at a young level so they can make the best choices possible and be safe becoming teens and young adults.

Monica Grewal (junior)  I believe that sexual education is important due to the fact that kids can learn the consequences of their actions.

Emily Nacewicz (Senior)  My goal for this website is to accurately portray the emotional ties that come along with a sexual relationship, from both genders!

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