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What You Should Tell Your Kids


It is hard to tell what exactly what you need to tell your kids.

At a young age you don't need to go into much detail.

Between the ages of 2 and 5, the most that you need to tell

them are the gender genitals name, and that the baby comes

from their moms.



By the ages of 6-8 you should tell your children

the generals about sex by using terms like "a baby

is made when a mommy and daddy love each other.

By this ages they should know the basics of genitals

(penis, vagina) and they should know that babies come

from the womb.


By the ages 9 to 11 they should be told a very brief

explanation about what happens during sex, and the

process of how the egg and the sperm combines to make

the baby, and the stages of pregnancy.

By the time your child is 11 and older, they need to know

about the dangers of sex, protections and birth control methods

they could use, your thoughts on sex​ and what age you think is

appropriate to have it, if at all before marriage. Even though you

might now want them to have sex, there is always the chance that

they will. They need to know as many birth control methods as possible

and how those methods will protect them and the percentage rate that

they will fail. it is also important to talk to them about STDs and how

they can impact their lives. They need to know where they can get treated

and who they can go to for help if they feel too uncomfortable talking to you

about it.



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