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 Women's brains actually are wired differently:

 - Women's brains are developed to place emphasis on communication and    relationships

 - The brain releases a chemical during sex that triggers an emotional response


- Unlike the male brain, the female brain cannot keep sex separate from emotions and attachment; women feel emotionally attached to a man post-sex even if she did not intend to have a relationship with him

From a Personal Standpoint

from a Biological Standpoint

There are several different emotions that can be associated with sex:

Guilt: There are several types of guilt that some people feel having sex. Some might feel that what they are doing is morally wrong. Others may feel guilty if they are hiding it from their parents, sneaking around, or lying.

Insecurity: 62% of girls feel insecure about themselves in some way. Additional insecurites can stem from having sex, and girls may think  things like, "Am I good enough for him? Am I attractive enough? Does he think another girl is prettier? What if he cheats on me? Etc."

Loss of Trust: There is always the potential for your partner to lie, cheat, leave, or simply disappoint you. Disappointment and hurt can lead to trust issues that can impact not just your relationship with your significant other, but other relationships and other aspects of your life.

Fear of Abandoment: Sex leads to attachment, and when you become attached to another person you can become constantly worried or even paranoid about them leaving you.

Depression: Recent studies have demonstrated a link between premarital sex and depression. "25% of sexually active girls (ages 14-17) felt depressed a lot or all of the time in the past week, compared with 7.7% of virgins. More than 14% of sexually active girls had attempted suicide in the previous year, compared with 5.1% of their non-sexually active peers.” (USA Today, Sexually Active Girls’ Lament: Why Didn’t I Wait?, June 11, 2003.)

Women typically have sex to express love and affection, or to boost their self esteem, while men typically have sex whenever the opportunity presents itself, to boost their status among peers and to feel validated.

​Emotional Aspect

For women, sex and emotions are intertwined, and their thoughts and emotions regarding sex are very different than men; the male brain keeps sex and emotions completely separate. Let's take a look at how and why women's emotional well-being is impacted by sex. 

Interactive Links

Take this quiz to test how much you actually know about sex.

This website can answer any additional questions you have about sex.

Use this interactive tutorial to learn more about male and female anatomy.


Sexting: "The sending of sexually explicit messages or images by cell phone.”

- Nothing you send or post electronically is ever anonymous or private

- There is no way to remove a picture once it is out in te electronic world

-Know the consequences: Family members, colleges and employers could all find these pictures later in your life. 

- The emotional consequence can also take it's toll, and you may feel guilty, in addition to anxiety and fear about the pictures getting out. If they do, loss of trust is inevitable. 

20% of teenagers between the ages of 13-19 say that have sent or posted nude or semi-nude pictures or videos of themselves

51% of teen girls say that pressure from a guy is the reason to send provocative messages or images

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